DNS Filtering for
Wi-Fi Providers, Integrators and MSPs

CleanBrowsing is the most extensible and affordable DNS filtering solution for Wi-Fi service providers, integrators and MSPs.

CleanBrowsing Advantages
  • Unlimited AP's
  • Unlimited IP's
  • No Multi-Year Price Lock-in's
  • Flat, Transparent, Pricing
Trusted by 100's of Wi-Fi Service Providers, Integrators and MSPs Around the World

DNS Filtering for Wi-Fi Service Providers
Most affordable DNS Filtering solution for Wi-Fi Service providers.



  • 75 M / Requests / Month
  • 20 Customer Accounts
  • < 100 APs
  • < 100 IPs
Sign Up



  • 150 M / Requests / Month
  • 40 Customer Accounts
  • < 250 APs
  • < 250 IPs
Sign Up



  • 300 M / Requests / Month
  • 60 Customer Accounts
  • < 500 APs
  • < 500 IPs
Sign Up

Need More?

Custom Plans

  • > 300 M / Requests / Month
  • >60 Customer Accounts
  • Unlimited APs
  • Unlimited IPs

Need a custom plan? Email sales@cleanbrowsing.org

Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the more common questions we get about our service.

Yes, we can configure a 2 week trial.

Contact us at support@cleanbrowsing.org for more information.

Yes, you can configure all your customers with their own account. Statistics are divided by each account. We call these accounts "tenants" in your main account.

Yes, when we configure your account we will add a "Partner Accounts" navigation option to your control panel that will give you access to all your accounts.

See guides for Partner Accounts

No, but you can push us to your fleet of devices using traditional DNS options like plaintext IPv4, IPv6 and DOH and DOT if it's supported.

Yes, we allow you to easily see how much traffic is being used across all your accounts via the Partner portal.

We will reach out to our point of contact to better understand needs and work with your team to upgrade. We won't throttle or cut off service unless you choose to ignore our requests to meet.

Yes, you can easily block and allow domains via our systems.

Yes, it can be done via the API or we can help you upload your existing lists.

No, we charge based on two measures - number of customer accounts and total network utilization.

No, we have never sold and never plan to sell our data. If that ever changes we will send out emails and offer organizations the opportunity to cancel.

Yes, anything that doesn't use a credit card will incur an additional $150 - $200 in administrative fees depending on your needs. We can support Quarterly payments as well for larger plans.

Yes. By default all systems use our Anycast network, but depending on your specific needs we can configure dedicated environments. This can help address jurisdictional data requirements and / or address performance / latency requirements. This is only available for Enterprise configurations.

Have more questions? Send emails to support@cleanbrowsing.org

CleanBrowsing is a DNS Filtering technology that creates safe browsing experiences on your network.

All Customer Accounts Include
but not limited too...


We support the latest developments in encrypted DNS, offering DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH), DNS-over-TLS (DOT), and DNSCrypt Options by default.

Predefined Filters

Enjoy over 19 predefined filters to quickly filter entire categories (e.g., Pornography, Partial-Nudity, Malicious, Mixed Content, etc...)

Custom Allow / Block

Easily add custom domains to the custom "allow" or "block' lists to create custom rules on your network.


Group devices and apply filtering rules according to that groups specific needs (e.g., Teachers vs Students).

Data Retention

Choose how long to store your logs. Options include extreme configurations that include "no-logs" to storage as long as 90 days.

Activity Monitoring

A modern, simplified, dashboard experience allows you to quickly see, and parse, daily activity to see what is happening on the network.

The Partner Program

FOR WIFI Service Providers / Integrators and Reseller Partners

The CleanBrowsing partner program provides you with a low-friction solution that can be used to service your customers. The platform experience is simplified to enable easy management of customer accounts. All features exposed by a simple API that can be integrated into your existing systems for easier management.

Pricing is a flat fee model, removing the headaches that come with variable costs. Custom configurations are available on request.

Centralized Management

As a partner, your organization is able to easily manage customer accounts via one centralized management console. Via this console, the partner is able to see total utilization for a customer, then log into the customers account directly for further configuration needs.

Have a question?

Whether it is a sales, or a support question, the best way to get a hold of us is via email.