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  3. How to add Users To CleanBrowsing (Multi-Tenancy)

How to add Users To CleanBrowsing (Multi-Tenancy)

The ability to add others users to your account is reserved for those subscribed to the Pro500 and up.

This feature introduces multi-tenancy to the account. It allows multiple users to be given access to the same account, allowing those users to perform specific actions dependent on the role they are assigned.

Understanding how User Accounts Work

This feature introduces four key roles:

  1. Admin / Owner: This role owns the account, and is able to cancel the subscription and add users.
  2. Admin: This role can make edits to the existing configuration option.
  3. Read-only: This role can only see what the settings are, cannot make changes.
  4. Billing-only: This role can update billing information, but can’t see or edit configurations.
Creating New Users

Creating a new user is done in the User settings page.

By default, the user that creates the account is the Admin / Owner and cannot be changed via the dashboard. To change the Admin / Owner please engage with support at support@cleanbrowsing.org.

To create a new user, click the add new user option on the right-hand side of the screen.

This will present you with a simple form asking three bits of information:

  1. User Name: This is what the user will use to log in.
  2. Email Address: This is what the user will use to get notifications.
  3. Access: This defines the role you want to assign the user to.

Click Add New User and it will be added to the account.

Adding the user will generate a message like this:

This green panel is a one-time message. It shows you the username and password that needs to be shared with your user. Notice that the user you created is now appended to a group number for your organization.

  1. Username: 22055303/tony-admin
  2. Password: h:WPymUBQ

The user is also added to your Configured Users table. This table offers an edit function that allows you to do the following:

  1. Change a users role
  2. Update a users password
  3. Delete a user
Enjoy a CleanBrowsing Experience

That should be it, moving forward you’ll be able to enjoy the multi-tenancy feature. If you ever have an issue, please feel free to contact us at support@cleanbrowsing.org.

Updated on November 17, 2022
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