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  3. Configure DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH) (Firefox)

Configure DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH) (Firefox)

There is a new DNS protocol that can be configured in your browsers to ensure optimal security and privacy, DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH). This protocol wraps the DNS requests inside the HTTPS protocol to ensure that the requests cannot be intercepted via a Man in the Middle (MiTM) attack. It also ensures that any local DNS restrictions do no affect your communication.

This guide will help you configure DOH on your Mozilla Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Firefox application
  2. Type about:preferences in the browser
  3. Scroll down to Network Settings
  4. Click on Settings
  5. Click on the box next to Enable DNS over HTTPS
  6. Select Custom
  7. Enter the CleanBrowsing DOH entry into the open box, example: https://doh.cleanbrowsing.org/doh/family-filter/
  8. Navigate to the config about:config page
  9. Update the following config properties: network.trr.mode to 2 and network.trr.bootstrapAddress to
  10. Verify that the config properties network.trr.custom_uri and network.trr.uri are properly set to your DOH address
  11. Clear browser cache
  12. Force quit the browser
  13. Reopen the browser

Illustrations to help With Configuration

Once you navigate to the preferences page (add this to your URI box: about:preferences you will scroll down to the network settings section:

On the network settings page you will check the box next to Enable DNS over HTTPS, and select custom:

This will update the page to give you an input box where you will put your DOH DNS url:

DOH is still experimental, and depending on your version of Firefox you might need to make additional changes. If you find that your configuration is not working via the network settings, navigate to the configuration page (about:config). On this page you want to update and verify a few properties:

Update these properties:

  • network.trr.mode to 2
  • network.trr.bootstrapAddress to

Verify these properties:

  • network.trr.custom_uri
  • network.trr.uri
Updated on November 17, 2022

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