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Restrict Access to Approved Content only (Create a Whitelist Environment)

One of the more common requests we get from schools is how to restrict access to approved sites only.

In essence, these schools are a) deploying devices to their students and faculty, or b) creating lap environments on their network. In each case, they don’t want to have to worry about sifting through the traffic to understand what is, and is not, being accessed.

Instead, they prefer to leverage a block all and allow few strategy.

This makes complete sense, especially for organizations with limited resources and CleanBrowsing makes it extremely easy.

Block All, Allow Few

To make this work with CleanBrowsing, you will navigate to your account dashboard and navigate to the “Custom Domain” menu option.

Once there, scroll down and you will see “Custom Allowed Domains” and “Default-Block“:

There you will select the Block Everything (All Traffic) option, and add whatever domain[s] you want to allow in the Custom Allowed Domains.

When you do this, it will look something like this:

You’ll notice that by default we add the “my.cleanbrowsing.org” domain, and whatever domain you add will be appended to the top.

Additionally, it gives you an option to disable the block if you choose.

Once this is set, the users on your network will only be able to access my.cleanbrowsing.org and perezbox.com (or whatever domains you add). It’s a very powerful feature that can be used by organizations, and individuals, of all sizes. It might take a bit to get it tuned for your users, but once it’s set it’s one less thing to worry about.

Updated on November 16, 2022
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