By design if you want to take away the users ability to disable features, or control what the user can do on a machine, you must remove the users administrative privileges. As long as the user is an administrator, they can, by design, do and undo whatever they want.
This guide will walk you through the process of separate the roles on your Windows machine. Doing this will allow you to do things like – disable the users ability to uninstall apps on the machine.
Step 1 – Navigate to User Accounts
The quickest way is to open the search menu and type “accounts” you should see this option “Add, edit, or remove other users”

Step 2 – Create a Local User
Windows will work to push for online users, but it’s not necessary. Create a local user, you do that by selecting “Add Someone else to this PC.

Microsoft will work to get their online info, but it’s not necessary. Select “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information”

Click NEXT
Choose the Add a user without a Microsoft Account

The next screen will ask you to add the information for the user, this will be how they log in (e.g., username, password)

Miscellaneous Note
By default, all new users created are created as standard users. You can check this by click “change account type” once the user is created: