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  3. How To Find Your Router IP

How To Find Your Router IP

Logging into a router can be a daunting task because most user are unable to figure out how to access the router. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways to find the routers IP.

Default Router IP’s

Most routers will use standard IP’s, and some providers will preset their router with a domain to make it easier to find. The best place to look is always the routers setup guide, but if that is not available, this guide will help you through the process.

Here are some of the known default IPs used by some of the most popular router makers:

  1. Linksys | Asus | Synology | 3 Comm (
  3. Netgear Orbi (
  4. Belkin (
  5. Netgear | 3 Com (
  6. 2 Wire (
  7. 11 Wave (
  8. 3 Com (
  9. 3 Com (

Some known router domains include:

  1. TP Link Router
  2. Netgear Products
  3. Netgear Products

Technical Guide To Finding Router IP

If none of the IP’s above work, you can find your router IP by locating your Gateway IP. If you’re technical, you can do this via your terminal (MAC) or command prompt (Windows).

Terminal on Mac

If you have a Mac, you can run this command: “netstat -nr | grep ^default” (without the quotes) to find the network gateway IP address:

netstat -nr | grep '^default'
    default        UGSc           82        0     en0

From this specific example, my router administrative panel would be at

Command Prompt on Windows

If you are running Windows, run this command in your command prompt: ipconfig | findstr /i “Gateway”. It looks something like this:

ipconfig | findstr /i "Gateway"
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

From this specific example, my router administrative panel would be at

None-Technical Guide To Finding Router IP

If you are non-technical, but trying to find your IP it might be easier to use the easy to use interfaces on your device. Below is what you are looking for:

Updated on November 17, 2022

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